Strategic Partners and Delivery of a Full Suite of Communications Products/Services
contentgroup and AustCyber have a strong and trusted relationship when it comes to collaboration in the digital and cyber security space. From 2018 to 2020, contentgroup served as AustCyber’s communication and media partner, providing them with a range of services and benefits to help strengthen their network of cyber security professionals.
contentgroup worked with AustCyber to identify, engage, and retain this network using a range of strategic and tactical activities. These included:
- a high-level communications strategy
- social media support
- post-event reports and insights
- educational webinars designed to engage and empower the cyber community.
- All members of our client services team
AustCyber has also employed contentgroup through a retainer arrangement to provide ongoing communication advice, media strategy, content production, graphic design, training, and videography to the AustCyber team.
our strategic partnership with AustCyber was committed to:
- enhancing the success and sustainability of Australian cyber security companies through improved communication
- developing the communication capability of Australian cyber security companies in the AustCyber network
- creating a large, empowered community of cyber security professionals, supporting AustCyber’s strategic objectives.

A key pillar of the contentgroup’s strategic approach to building such a community was education. Useful, timely, and clear information was communicated to AustCyber’s following primarily through the form of social media posts and webinars. Each webinar attracted a diverse audience from within the AustCyber Friends of the Network and received consistently positive feedback. Webinars in the series boasted average ratings of 9/10 for usefulness as a means of learning and 8.5/10 in the usefulness of the content provided. The series has since been converted into video assets that have supported AustCyber’s social media strategy.

In May 2019, our CEO David Pembroke hosted two media training sessions for the AustCyber Executive team members and Node managers. The aim of these sessions was to establish a hierarchy of spokespeople and build media engagement capability in their organisation. The media training sessions were highly engaging with a 100% attendance rate.
Each participant showed noticeable improvement in their performance within the four-hour sessions. 90% of the participants found the media training session and David’s performance as a trainee “extremely helpful” (with the remaining 10% labelling it as “very helpful”). This training enabled AustCyber to action key recommendations from the 2019 Media Engagement Plan curated by us.

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