Closing Address of the GovComms Festival


Session Overview:

In this session from the 2020 GovComms Festival, we hear from the CEO and Founder of contentgroup David Pembroke. This video is David’s closing address at the GovComms Festival.

He is interviewed by Andrew Bell, the Host of the GovComms Festival.

David recaps the 24-hour GovComms Festival that had just ended, and launches the GovComms Institute, explaining what it’s role will be moving forward. The GovComms Institute will sustain the community built by the GovComms Festival.

David explains why he is an optimist when it comes to the public service in Australia. He states that if Australians knew how much the public service does for them, trust levels would increase.

David also awards the inaugural GovComms Award to the UK Government Communications Service (GCS). He explains the GCS’s contribution to government communications, and why they deserved the award. There will be an annual recipient of the GovComms Award, which will be awarded at the GovComms Festival.

Finally, David reflects on the success of the GovComms Festival.

Please note that this is a recording of a live presentation.


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