InTransition Episode #1 – Interview with Alex Aiken, Executive Director, UK Government Communications

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InTransition – the back story

They say all good things come to those who wait. So here it is!

InTransition has been 12 months in the making. Client work takes priority so it fell to the bottom of the priority pile. But we knew it was worthwhile project that would deliver value for our audience. We kept chipping away and here it is for your listening pleasure.

Its created for people who tell government stories.

Our purpose is to examine the practice of content marketing in government and uncover insights that will help people to become better communicators. Each week I hope there will be at least 2 or 3 things that our listeners will take away and apply in their daily work.

Podcasting is hot. Smartphones can activate time in the garden or at the gym while cars are enabled to stream audio content. It’s that ‘down time’ people now fill with content that meets their specific, niche interests. The world is narrowing and the more specific and relevant your content, the more successful you will be.

InTransition focuses on content marketing in government. We won’t be all things to all people.  We are creating content that helps people who work ‘to’ government (not for profits, non-government organisations, national associations etc.) and ‘for’ government (municipal, state, federal and multi-lateral), understand the power of content marketing and how they can use it to help get their story out, understood and acted upon.

For me the podcast is coming home. I spent ten years as a radio news and current affairs reporter. Each day was different. New stories, new people, new insights. It was about listening and asking great questions. Being able to interview some of the smartest people in content marketing will be a lot of fun.

The name of the podcast is also a hat tip to our new reality. In communications, we are all InTransition and we will stay InTransition as technology continues to drive massive and sustained change. I read somewhere the other day that Intel estimates that 200 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. Heaven knows what that this Internet of Things will mean for the way we will communicate.

I would like to thank our first guest Alex Aiken, the Director of Communication for the UK Government. Alex has driven substantial change in the UK Government, increasing skills, becoming more strategic, saving loads of money and increasing their effectiveness through adopting the principles of content marketing. The story is inspiring.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to being the host of this program for many years to come. If you have any suggestions about potential guests or if you have any comments or feedback please send them through. All correspondence will be gladly received and responded to.

Bye for now.


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