From the blog

Authored by our expert staff and industry-leading guest writers, our blog equips you with the news and know-how that you need to succeed in content communication

Forget the door, break a window: how to speak to your niche audience

Chances are if you’re using influencer marketing to market to your niche market, the audience you’re marketing to know that you’re using influencer marketing. Makes sense right? And that’s OK. We’ve said it before; rather than waiting for someone to come to the door to let you into your audience’s

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Our predictions for 2018

Guess who’s back, back again, contentgroupies back, tell a friend. (too much for so early on in the year?) Fine. But we are back, done reflecting on the successes in 2017 and intent on making 2018 our best yet. While we brush the dust off our keyboards, here are our team’s predictions

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Communication Predictions 2017, in review

One year ago (almost to the day) the contentgroup team made our communication predictions for 2017. The year’s almost out, so just how on the money were we? Here, we review our 2017 predictions. David Pembroke, Founder and CEO: In 2017, “quality over quantity” will be embedded as best practice in

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contentgroup highlights, 2017

contentgroup highlights 2017 As the contentgroupies gear up for a bit of festive downtime, it’s a perfect time to sit down and reflect on the year that was. Some of our highlights this year include presenting our methodology at the ASEAN Public Relations Conference in Bali; getting involved in the

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Three nations worlds ahead in digital governance

Once every two years, the United Nations releases the E-Government Survey; a document providing member states with information to steer their governance in line with the technologically driven 21st century. While Australia consistently ranks in the top 3 (#humblebrag), there are a few countries you might not expect to be leading

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5 PR trends every public-sector professional needs to know and act on

*Nervously risking the disdain of our readers for pointing out the obvious*… technology has changed the way that government departments can reach and communicate with citizens and stakeholders. And these PR trends are here to help. The role of the public relations professional has had to, of course, adapt to

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The UK government – Talking the talk and walking the walk

It’s no secret that here at contentgroup, we can tend to get a bit fan-groupie when talking about UK government communications. Leading the charge of putting citizens and users at the heart of the way the UK government communicates is a good friend to contentgroup and Executive Director of Government

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How to make the most of Twitter’s 280 characters

If you have a Twitter account or have anything to do with social media, you would’ve heard by now the big news that hit the streets of the social media scene… The infamous character limit has grown and is now at 280. This is HUGE news and is bound to

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Generalisation vs specialisation in communications – building a toolkit

It’s a debate that roars on in many industries – to specialise or to generalise? Presently, generalisation is considered the more effective of the two. In economics, generalisation is credited with creating diversity and leading to economic growth and security. Specialisation, conversely, provides profit in niche markets but this narrow

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What government can learn from sport and social media

Cast your mind back to before the internet. How did organisations build an audience? Quality products and services? A trendy image? Clever marketing? Word of mouth? Or, maybe an audience grew from something as simple as a physical location. While the internet offers another way to reach an audience, transcend

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How Defence streamlines recruitment in the Digital Age

To learn more about ideas discussed in the post, listen to the InTransition podcast (now rebranded as the GovComms Podcast) with the former head of marketing at Defence Force Recruiting, Pat Duffy.  It’s fair to say that marketing has changed significantly over the past 20 years, what with that small

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