Ep #112: A conversation about rethinking reform with Andrew Podger AO

A stronger emphasis on merit now will be crucial to ensure a thriving public service in the future, former APS Commissioner Andrew Podger AO tells us on this episode of Work with Purpose.

APS Reform is in full swing, but what else could be added to the agenda? On this episode, we hear the perspective of former senior public servant now commentor and researcher Andrew Podger AO on the value of merit, where stewardship is appropriate, and what has affected capability within Australia’s public sector.

In discussion with IPAA National President Andrew Metcalfe AO, Andrew Podger talks us through his views of how APS values could better highlight the public service’s commitment to the public. He also discusses his idea of bringing back tenure for secretaries with a stronger focus on merit assessments, and why the Public Service Commissioner should act as the professional head of the public service.

In future discussions, we’ll also hear from others in our sector, who are grappling with this same question. Keep an eye out for future episodes which will highlight other academic and practitioner perspectives and research on some of Australia’s public sector’s most pressing challenges.

Discussed in this episode:

Contributions to the public sector reform debate on:

  • why merit should be given more weight in the public service and other statutory appointments
  • a code of conduct that is a statutory requirement for ministerial staff and their relationship with the public service
  • suggestions about what stewardship should mean for secretaries
  • clarifying the public service’s commitment to the public
  • rewards and penalties for secretaries
  • the APS Commissioner as the professional head of the public service
  • the role of merit in appointments for positions such as high commissioners or ambassadors
  • improving the way the public services hires contractors
  • rebuilding expertise in the public service
  • conflict of interest and post-separation employment provisions.

Show notes:


Andrew Metcalfe AO

Andrew Metcalfe AO FIPAA is the National President of IPAA. He recently retired as secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and as Australia’s Director of Biosecurity.

In all, Andrew was a Commonwealth departmental secretary for 12 years, heading three departments.  He was appointed or reappointed as a secretary by five different prime ministers, and directly worked with 15 portfolio ministers.

Andrew Podger AO

Andrew Podger is honorary Professor of Public Policy at ANU. He spent 37 years in the Australian Public Service in a range of portfolios, specialising mostly in social policy and public management. He was secretary of the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care from 1996 to 2002 and was Public Service Commissioner from 2002 to 2004.
