
A podcast for Government communication

A podcast by contentgroup, GovComms explores the government communications industry through conversations with industry greats, experts, and innovators from around the world.

Hosted by contentgroup’s Founder and CEO, David Pembroke, contentgroup shares the insights of government communicators through contentgroup’s years of experience as well as through the vast knowledge of our guests. 


With over 100 episodes so far, notable guests have included:

  • Farooq Mulla, COVID-19 Communications Response Team, Transport NSW
  • Elise Davidson, General Manager of Strategic Communications at the ACCC
  • Professor Mark Evans (PhD), Director of Democracy 2025, and Professor of Governance at the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis
  • Rachel Clements, co-founder and Director of Psychological Services and Principal Organisational Psychologist at the Centre for Corporate Health

After recording the podcast with our guest/s, either in our studio, Zoom Video Conference or Zencaster, the episode is scheduled on Libsyn, an audio distribution platform that automatically syncs new episodes with an Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Soundcloud, Google Podcast, Spotify, and YouTube.

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Each episode is promoted through social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) and our website.


As of July 1st, 2020, the GovComms podcast has over 79,500 downloads of its 65 episodes.GovComms also has an ever-increasing social following, where both the Facebook and LinkedIn pages were created in April 2020. Listen to the podcast on Spotify or iTunes

The GovComms podcast also received coverage in the June 2020 edition of Podcast Magazine, where contentgroup Founder and CEO David Pembroke was interviewed.