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Authored by our expert staff and industry-leading guest writers, our blog equips you with the news and know-how that you need to succeed in content communication
Communications Professaional Team

Steering Wheel

‘’Why are communication professionals worrying about a seat at the table when they already have one hand on the steering wheel?’’– Mike Klein, Founder and Principal, Changing Terms. This is surely the quote of the year! It challenges us to get on with our day. Working in organisations where today

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Key elements for a successful crisis communication plan

Crisis arrives when it’s least expected. What if life gave us an indication of an upcoming crisis? Gifted ample time to prepare beforehand and provided resources required to sustain it? Well, in life that is certainly impossible (unless you can see the future of course). The reality is different when

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5 Reasons why all staff need media training

The days of viewing media as a separate entity are long gone. Media is becoming increasingly important in both the communications sector and the broader workforce as organisations aim to speak directly to their audience. Whether you are in policy, human resources, or legal affairs, media skills are something that

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How to tackle tricky questions

Not all media and public speaking opportunities will be to an entirely ‘friendly’ audience. People might have difficult questions or take a hostile stance towards your presentation. Sometimes they want to know information that cannot be shared, or which does not fall within your remit. This is where you require

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Media Interview by government professional

5 questions to ask before choosing your next media training

Is ‘media training’ still relevant and useful? The answer is yes. To get better on-camera, you need to be proactive in improving your media interviews skills. A media training exercise can help you effectively deliver your intended messages not just in an interview with a journalist, but also during a

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5 tips to successfully land your message in the next media interview

Whether you find yourself in front of a news camera, presenting at Senate Estimates or delivering a webinar – you are a storyteller. Communicators train, present and learn from their experience to become expert storytellers. This is evident and significant in media interviews and public speeches. However, even the best

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3 Lessons to design accessible government documents

Over the past two years, when I work with government clients on reports, they often ask, ‘Is this report going to be accessible’ or ‘Is this designed for accessibility’? Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government departments are required to ensure information is provided in a non-discriminatory accessible manner.

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Key highlights from the Federal Budget 2021-22 of Australia

On Tuesday night, the Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, announced his second pandemic budget. There was spending and lots of it. In all, $74.6 billion in new spending measures over five years. Of course, with spending comes debt. But the with an election on the horizon, the government is appealing to as

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What to expect from the Australian 2021-22 budget

On Friday the 7th of May, Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer of Australia Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, said to AFR Weekend “We have to consolidate the gains, we have to secure the recovery. We’re seeking to set Australia up to come out of the pandemic stronger.” Amid the COVID-19 pandemic,

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Top tips to prepare and design your annual reports

The annual report is one of the most important documents your organisation will publish, so it is important to invest an ample amount of resources to get it right. An annual report outlines the activities and financial performance of your organisation and highlights key achievements and work completed throughout the

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9 Tips for Creating Accessible PDFs in InDesign

If you design content for government, you’ve most likely come across the dreaded question at the end of a project: “is this PDF accessible?” Although this question can leave designers feeling stressed and overwhelmed, setting up a document with accessibility in mind from the get-go can make the process a

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Moving from reactive to proactive communications

When a policy or program is launched, good communications are vital to ensure the audience hears, understands and engages with it. Despite its importance,  internal government communication teams are often running to catch up. Brought in at the end of the policy or program processes, and tasked with creating a

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