From the blog

Authored by our expert staff and industry-leading guest writers, our blog equips you with the news and know-how that you need to succeed in content communication

How government communicators could leverage AI in crisis communication

Government communicators play a crucial role in managing crises and issues that may arise. Dealing with emergencies can be challenging, especially as they can impact many people. To effectively manage a crisis, it is essential to follow a well-defined crisis communication plan. For tips on writing a successful crisis communication

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Stop sign in blue sky

Stop readers in their tracks

Having worked in the public sector for 11 years, I have read a lot. As a web publisher, I read policy, reports, articles and media releases before publishing them. I do not remember a single thing I published. As a web content editor, I remember some, but not for the

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Continuously improving communication strategies

Continuous improvement is a concept that drives me. I’m fascinated with innovation and finding ways to continuously improve outcomes. Strong communication strategies include the Five Ws and H (why, who, what, when, where, and how). Aligning the communications strategy to the broader organisational strategy, identifying target audiences, key messages, channels,

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Empower your communications team to build horses, not camels

“A camel is a horse designed/planned by a committee”. That phrase, of unknown authorship, became popular in 1950s and it still resonates. At its heart is the notion that group decision-making can hobble a project by incorporating too many conflicting opinions. I am sure most will agree, that “design by

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Communications training to Government Communicators

Building high-performing and future-proof Public Communicators

This month I’m going back to the very deep well that is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) report on public sector communication. It is Aladdin’s cave for anyone with an interest in public communication. I can’t recommend the report highly enough as it nails the challenges and

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Future-Proofing Government Communications

Over the Easter break, in amongst spending quality time with the kids and eating too much chocolate, I managed to pick up and read a fascinating report. The OECD Report on Public Communications: The Global Context and the Way Forward, is ground-breaking. Published in December 2021, it is the world’s

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Stressed Government Communicator

Nightmare on GovComms Street

When you next see someone who works in Government communications, give them a hug! It’s been a rough period, and it’s not going to change anytime soon. The communication genie is out of the bottle, and we’ve gone from the back to the front of the queue. Everyone wants a

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Landing the message, with Andy Bell

“The medium is the message”. Yeah, yeah we’ve all heard the Marshall McLuhan schtick. Too often perhaps! The Canadian communications theorist openly admitted that his slogan – five words not three – is a teaser.  It is a way of grabbing attention. And who am I to argue? Ahem! Good

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Your CRM platform is not a strategy

Your CRM platform is not a strategy

contentgroup’s Lawrence Shelton reminds us that for all their technological bells and whistles CRMs can’t do one fundamental thing – write strategy. Back in 2008, when most brands were just dipping their toe into this ‘whole digital thing’, I remember having to sign off content plans painstakingly written out in

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